Hoy me ha tocado añadir UnitTests a un proyecto ya empezado, por lo que no he podido usar TDD.
Buscando he encontrado una macro que genera el equeleto de las pruebas basado en el codigo actual.
Posted by rido at 24 de Septiembre 2003 a las 04:26 PMquiero un test de trabajo
Posted by: viviana on 29 de Mayo 2004 a las 08:24 PMUnum necessarium - The one necessary
Verveces tui similes pro ientaculo mihi appositi sunt - I have jerks like you for breakfast
Tolerabiles ineptiae - Bearable absurdities
Lectio brevior lectio potior - The shortest reading is the more probable reading
Redde Caesari quae sunt Caesaris - Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's
Non est ad astra mollis e terris via - There is no easy way from the earth to the stars. (Seneca)
Semper Primus - Always first (US Army Pathfinder motto)
Braccae tuae aperiuntur - Your fly is open
Qui docet discit - He who teaches learns
Ventis secundis, tene cursum - Go with the flow
Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet - As loyal as she began, so she remains
Lege et lacrima - Read it and weep
Sub secreto - In secret
Aspice, officio fungeris sine spe honoris amplioris - Face it, you're stuck in a dead end job
Qui tacet consentire videtur - He that is silent is thought to consent